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6:47 AM


Health Remedies for PNEUMONIA :

pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria, parasite. Symptoms are severe cold, cough, unusual rapid breathing, fever, vomiting, stomach pain, wheezing sound, loss of appetite etc. Pneumonia occurs more in children then elders. It is advisable to consult a qualified doctor immediately after getting the pneumonia symptoms.

Some home remedies which are helpful during pneumonia are:
  1. Garlic is said to be very good for pneumonia. 5 drops of garlic juice in 2 spoons of hot water shold be taken during pneunonia.
  2. Applying external heat to chest, by hot water bag or heated salt tied in a cloth,makes the breathing easier during pneumonia.
  3. Taking a [omcj pf Asafoetida (Hing) in warm water gives relief furing Pneumonia.
  4. Boil few basil leaves with Black pepper (Kali Mirch) in water and filter. Drinking this decoction helps in pneumonia.
  5. Drinking Honey mixed with warm warm water during pneumonia gives strength and helps for easy digestion.
  6. In case of excessive wheezing sound during pneumonia, Boil five whole Black peppers with five Californian raisin (Monakka) in water for some time and filter. A spoon of this decoction taken thrice a day helps to reduce Balgum (Phlegm)